
Can the PS4 do 120Hz? [Here’s The Issue]

The PlayStation 4 is a popular gaming console that has been enjoyed by gamers for several years. As the world of gaming evolves, many gamers are curious about the PS4’s capabilities when it comes to refresh rate.

One common question is whether the PS4 can support a 120Hz refresh rate. In this article, we’ll explore this topic and provide some key takeaways for PS4 gamers.

Key Takeaways:

  • The PS4 cannot output a 120Hz refresh rate.
  • The PS4’s hardware is not powerful enough to support this high of a refresh rate.
  • Games that are designed for the PS4 are optimized to run at 60Hz.
  • If you have a monitor or TV that is capable of displaying a 120Hz refresh rate, the PS4 will still output at a maximum of 60Hz.

Can the PS4 do 120Hz?

The short answer is no, the PS4 cannot output a 120Hz refresh rate. The PS4’s hardware is designed to output a maximum of 60Hz refresh rate, which means that it cannot exceed this limit. Even if you have a monitor or TV that is capable of displaying a 120Hz refresh rate, the PS4 will still output at a maximum of 60Hz.

One reason why the PS4 cannot output a 120Hz refresh rate is due to its hardware limitations. The PS4 was designed with a specific set of hardware components, including its CPU and GPU, that determine its maximum capabilities. While the PS4’s hardware was impressive when it was first released, it is now several years old and cannot compete with more modern consoles or gaming PCs.

Additionally, the games that are designed for the PS4 are optimized to run at 60Hz. This means that the game’s performance and graphics are optimized to run at this refresh rate. If the game were to run at a higher refresh rate, the performance would likely suffer and the graphics may not be as sharp.

It’s also worth noting that even if you have a monitor or TV that is capable of displaying a 120Hz refresh rate, the PS4 will still output at a maximum of 60Hz. This is because the PS4’s hardware cannot output a higher refresh rate, regardless of the capabilities of the display device.

Why can’t the PS4 do 120Hz?

There are a few reasons why the PS4 cannot output a 120Hz refresh rate. Firstly, the PS4’s hardware is simply not powerful enough to support this high of a refresh rate. Secondly, the games that are designed for the PS4 are optimized to run at 60Hz. This means that the game’s performance would be negatively impacted if it were to run at a higher refresh rate.

What are the alternatives?

While the PS4 cannot output a 120Hz refresh rate, there are some alternatives that can provide a smoother gaming experience. One option is to upgrade to a more powerful gaming console, such as the PlayStation 5 or the Xbox Series X/S. These consoles are designed to support higher refresh rates and can output at a maximum of 120Hz.

Another option is to invest in a gaming PC. Gaming PCs are capable of outputting at much higher refresh rates than consoles, and many gaming monitors are designed to support refresh rates of 144Hz or higher. However, it’s worth noting that gaming PCs can be more expensive than consoles, so this option may not be suitable for everyone.


While the PS4 cannot output a 120Hz refresh rate, there are still plenty of options available for gamers who are looking for a smoother gaming experience. Upgrading to a more powerful console or investing in a gaming PC are both viable options, depending on your budget and preferences.

However, if you’re happy with your PS4 and don’t want to upgrade, rest assured that you can still enjoy your favorite games at a maximum of 60Hz.

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Liam George
Hi, I'm Liam; I love playing online games; for the last five years, I've been playing online games, and this blog is dedicated to game lovers who want to get information about various games.

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