
Does PS4 Copy Quicker in Rest Mode? [The Reality]

As a PS4 user, I have often wondered whether putting my console in rest mode while downloading games would speed up the process. After conducting some research, I have found that many others have had the same question. The general consensus seems to be that games do indeed download faster in rest mode.

According to anecdotal evidence, putting your PS4 in rest mode can significantly decrease download times. This is likely because the console is able to focus all of its resources on the download, rather than having to split them between the download and other processes.

Additionally, rest mode allows the console to continue downloading even when you’re not actively using it, which can be especially useful for larger game downloads that may take several hours or even overnight to complete.

How PS4 Handles Data Transfer

When transferring data between two PS4 systems, it is important to understand how the process works. The PS4 offers several options for transferring data, including using a LAN cable, WiFi, or an external hard drive. Each option has its own advantages and disadvantages, so it is important to choose the one that best suits your needs.

One thing to keep in mind is that data transfer can take some time, especially if you are transferring a large amount of data. The speed of the transfer can also be affected by factors such as the quality of your internet connection and the amount of data you are transferring.

To ensure a smooth transfer process, it is recommended to perform the transfer in rest mode. This allows the PS4 to use less power and prioritize the transfer process, resulting in faster transfer times. To enable rest mode, go to the Power Saving Settings in the Settings menu and select Set Features Available in Rest Mode. From there, you can choose to stay connected to the internet and keep your PS4 in rest mode.

Comparing Data Transfer Speeds: Active Mode vs Rest Mode

When transferring data from my PS4 to another device, I wanted to compare the data transfer speeds between active mode and rest mode. To do this, I conducted a test where I transferred the same game from my PS4 to an external hard drive twice, once in active mode and once in rest mode.

In active mode, I started the data transfer and left the PS4 running while I went about my day. In rest mode, I put the PS4 in rest mode and started the data transfer. I then left the PS4 in rest mode for the same amount of time as the active mode test.

The results of my test showed that the data transfer speed was faster in rest mode. The game transferred in 1 hour and 45 minutes in rest mode, while it took 2 hours and 30 minutes in active mode. This is consistent with the anecdotal evidence reported by many PS4 users.

It is important to note that the data transfer speed can vary depending on the size of the game, the speed of the external hard drive, and other factors. However, my test suggests that users may see faster data transfer speeds in rest mode.

Factors Affecting PS4 Copy Speed

When copying files on a PS4, several factors can affect the speed of the process. Here are some of the most important factors to consider:

1. Internet Connection Speed

The speed of your internet connection is a critical factor that determines how fast your PS4 can copy files. If you have a slow internet connection, your PS4 will take longer to download and upload files. On the other hand, if you have a fast internet connection, your PS4 will copy files much quicker.

2. File Size

The size of the file you are copying is another crucial factor that affects the speed of the process. Larger files take longer to copy than smaller files. If you are copying multiple large files, it may take a while for your PS4 to complete the process.

3. System Performance

The performance of your PS4 also plays a role in how quickly it can copy files. If your PS4 is running multiple applications or games in the background, it may slow down the copying process. Putting your PS4 in rest mode can help improve its performance and speed up the copying process.

4. Storage Space

The amount of free space on your PS4’s hard drive can also affect the speed of the copying process. If your PS4’s hard drive is nearly full, it may take longer to copy files. It’s a good idea to regularly delete any unnecessary files or games to free up space on your PS4’s hard drive.

In conclusion, several factors can affect the speed of the PS4 copying process, including internet connection speed, file size, system performance, and storage space. By understanding these factors, you can take steps to optimize your PS4’s performance and speed up the copying process.

Optimizing PS4 Copy Speed in Rest Mode

When it comes to copying files on PS4, the process can sometimes be frustratingly slow. Fortunately, there are a few steps you can take to optimize the copy speed, including using Rest Mode.

First, it’s important to ensure that your PS4 is connected to the internet via a wired connection rather than Wi-Fi. This can significantly improve download and copy speeds. You can also try pausing and resuming the copy process, which may help to speed things up.

Another useful trick is to put your PS4 into Rest Mode when copying files. To do this, simply hold down the PlayStation button on your controller and select “Enter Rest Mode.” This will put your PS4 into a low-power state while still allowing it to download and copy files in the background.

While in Rest Mode, you can also enable the “Stay Connected to the Internet” option in the Power Saving Settings menu. This will ensure that your PS4 remains connected to the internet even while in Rest Mode, which can help to speed up the copying process.

It’s worth noting that Rest Mode may not always result in faster copy speeds, and there are other factors that can impact the speed of the copying process. However, by following these tips and tricks, you can increase your chances of optimizing the copy speed on your PS4.

Read More: Can PS4 Install Disc in Rest Mode?

Potential Risks and Solutions

When using Rest Mode on your PS4, there are a few potential risks to be aware of. These include:

  • Power Outages: If there is a power outage while your PS4 is in Rest Mode, it can cause data corruption or loss of progress in your games.
  • Overheating: Leaving your PS4 in Rest Mode for extended periods of time can cause it to overheat, which can lead to hardware damage.
  • Network Connectivity: Your PS4 may lose network connectivity while in Rest Mode, which can cause issues with downloads and updates.

To mitigate these risks, there are a few solutions you can try:

  • Use a UPS: A UPS (Uninterruptible Power Supply) can help protect your PS4 from power outages and prevent data loss or corruption.
  • Limit Rest Mode Time: Try not to leave your PS4 in Rest Mode for extended periods of time, especially if you are not actively using it.
  • Check Network Settings: Make sure your PS4’s network settings are configured correctly to prevent connectivity issues while in Rest Mode.

By taking these precautions, you can help ensure that using Rest Mode on your PS4 is a safe and convenient option for you.

Frequently Asked Questions

How can I speed up copying on my PS4?

There are a few things you can do to speed up copying on your PS4. One of the most effective ways is to put your PS4 in rest mode. This allows your PS4 to focus on copying and downloading while freeing up resources that would otherwise be used by other applications. You can also try closing other applications while copying to speed up the process.

Can applications be copied in rest mode on PS4?

Yes, applications can be copied in rest mode on PS4. In fact, copying applications in rest mode can be faster than copying them while your PS4 is powered on as normal. This is because your PS4 can focus all its resources on copying and downloading while in rest mode.

Does putting my PS4 in rest mode make downloads faster?

Based on anecdotal evidence over the years, most people do report that games download faster while their PlayStation 4 is in rest mode. This is because your PS4 can focus all its resources on downloading while in rest mode. However, this may not always be the case and download speeds can vary depending on various factors such as internet connection speed.

What are some tips to speed up PS4 copying?

One of the most effective ways to speed up PS4 copying is to put your PS4 in rest mode. This allows your PS4 to focus on copying and downloading while freeing up resources that would otherwise be used by other applications. You can also try closing other applications while copying to speed up the process. Additionally, using a wired internet connection instead of Wi-Fi can also help speed up copying.

Why does PS4 copying take so long?

PS4 copying can take a long time due to various factors such as the size of the file being copied, the speed of your internet connection, and the amount of resources being used by other applications. Additionally, copying from a disc can be slower than copying from the internet. However, putting your PS4 in rest mode can help speed up the copying process by allowing your PS4 to focus on copying and downloading while freeing up resources that would otherwise be used by other applications.

Liam George
Hi, I'm Liam; I love playing online games; for the last five years, I've been playing online games, and this blog is dedicated to game lovers who want to get information about various games.

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